Client Advisory Council

This month, we’re highlighting our Client Advisory Council! The Client Advisory Council consists of past clients across a variety of programs interested in continuing to improve the work we do at Healthier Moms and Babies.

Currently our council consists of Angel, Kelsey, Shama, Leah, Rachel,  and Breonna; each of these moms offer their unique perspective as a parent, participant, and community member. Rachel describes her experience with the council; she says, “when I went through the program, I was a first-time mom and I learned so much. I think programs like Healthier Moms and Babies are so important because there’s so much to learn. I joined the Client Advisory Council because I wanted to help in any way I could.”

During their quarterly meetings, they discuss current programs as well as ideas for future endeavors. Following our recent infant mortality survey, they offered feedback to help create future surveys. They also have created a space where they can share personal experiences and goals with other moms in the community. Leah shares her experience as well; she has enjoyed hearing the statistics and results from the survey that show her the importance of Healthier Moms and Babies; she has greatly enjoyed her time with her nurse home visitor and in our women’s empowerment group. Leah has also enjoyed getting to know the other moms in the council.  

Our supervisors, Mary and Jackie, help facilitate the group, but Mary explains the council members do most of the leading. They are eager to offer input and ideas to make another’s family’s experience even more impactful than their own. Mary says her favorite part of facilitating is “is hearing their stories and input. It has been a honoring experience for me and I'm really proud of what they have accomplished!”

We are grateful to have this client advisory council as we strive to provide our community with the resources they need most.


Introducing our Doula Program